Acomb Baptist Church

Together knowing Jesus and making him known

Sunday Morning Services

10.30am Morning worship

We all meet together as a church family for praise and worship, lively and informal, traditional and contemporary, the public reading of Scripture and prayer.

Services usually finish around 12pm.

If you are unable to attend in person - which we encourage - you can also 'attend' via Zoom. Those on Zoom are able to participate in the service both visually and audibly. 

Links to the Zoom service are made available on the Latest News page shortly before the service is due to start. If joining by Zoom, please use a familiar name when you login (the waiting room procedure is used).

The services are recorded and made available on the Website by the next day.


Is usually celebrated the third Sunday morning in the month. All who love the Lord Jesus Christ are welcome to share with us in taking the bread and the wine. Those joining via Zoom need to provide your own elements.

Prayer Ministry

We believe that the risen Christ heals the sick today and is present amongst us by the power of the Holy Spirit - the prayer of faith heals the sick. At the end of each service Ministry Team members are available to pray with you whatever your need - both in church and in a breakout room on Zoom. 

Refreshments and Fellowship

Refreshments are served in the hall after the morning service for a time of informal fellowship.

Those on Zoom may also participate in their own informal fellowship by way of breakout rooms.

Children and Young People

We have a 'child-friendly corner' in the worship area and a crèche for you to take your child/ren out of the service if necessary - the service is audibly relayed there.

The children (Junior Church) and the young people (Reps Max) join with the adults at the start of the service at church then leave for their own Bible teaching in smaller age-related groups (in-person only).

Junior church for children aged 3 to 10

 junior churchfor under 5's

 junior churchfor 5-8's

 junior churchfor 9 -11's



Reps Max for young people aged 10 to 13

All involved in the teaching and care of our children and young people have been approved by ABC (in membership and trained with us) and are DBS-checked.


In the context of our Sunday Services all Christians are called to baptism by immersion. This is a time of great blessing for those involved and for the whole church fellowship. This is a vital step on the path of discipleship.

Last reviewed 15/09/2022. (BAF)