Acomb Baptist Church

Together knowing Jesus and making him known

Busy Fingers

Tuesday afternoon 12.30-3pm 

This group meet on
Tuesday afternoons usually
the second and fourth 
Tuesdays of the month.

Update June 2024
We will meet on 2 July -
which will be the last meeting
before our summer break.

These gatherings are for you
to bring a favourite craft,
e.g. painting, sewing, knitting
or any craft you enjoy.
Sometimes we have a demonstrator/speaker.

 Busy Fingers Square Time

 Flowers on canvas

'Blanket of Squares'
knitted by members of
Busy Fingers at the Friday meetings.

If you have a craft you would like
   to introduce or find out more about, 
   please speak to Eileen
   when you arrive.

   These gatherings are
   very informal and relaxed,
   with plenty of time for chat 
   over light refreshments.

 These flowers were painted
onto canvas
ready to be turned
into casual bags
to go into the
shoe boxes
we send abroad each year
to orphanages, schools etc. 
via 'Operation Christmas Child'




 Last updated 29 June 2024 (BAF)